Keith Marshall Jones III

Author/historian Keith Marshall Jones III
works with historical societies and foundations
to produce lively, scrupulously researched, serious non-fiction narratives.


NEW! . . . . The definitive account of Connecticut’s only inland battle in the War for Independence

  Benedict Arnold, the Patriot Militia, and the Surprising Battle that Galvanized Revolutionary Connecticut

Ridgefield was where British Royal Governor of New York William Tryon’s vision for hegemony over Southwestern Connecticut came to die. More Redcoats were engaged than on Lexington Green, Concord Bridge – or Washington’s astonishing victories at Trenton and Princeton.  Though British arms prevailed in the day-long running battle, General Arnold chased Tryon’s army to the sea, insuring lower Connecticut remained in the patriot fold. This fascinating telling lifts the engagement from overlooked episode in Tryon’s successful Danbury Raid to its rightful status as an important Revolutionary battle worthy of National Park Service (NPS) site designation.

A captivating level of narrative from start to finish!  This book shows us that the Battle of Ridgefield was a more complex, and frankly, more significant moment in the Revolutionary past than we have previously realized. There is much to learn, much to enjoy, and much to reflect upon . . .  There are many reasons to believe that the author has again produced what will be the definitive account of the Battle of Ridgefield for many years to come”

Walter Woodward
Connecticut State Historian Emeritus


        TO ORDER this 320-page glossy, soft-cover book, kindly visit my
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Keith Marshall Jones III is the author of JOHN LAURANCE, the Immigrant Founding Father America Never Knew; Congress as My Government,  recipient of the American Philosophical Society’s 2020 John Frederick Lewis Prize as “Publication of the Year.” Other books include Congress as My Government, the first complete account of Supreme Court chief justice John Marshall’s youthful service in George Washington’s Continental Army; Farmers Against the Crown; and The Farms of Farmingville,



About the Author

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